
A Membership History

Writing PAD Project | Writing-PAD Network | Journal of Writing in Creative Practice.

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Inception (2002)

We encouraged tutors from across the disciplines and roles: studio staff, theory staff, learning development, and learning and teaching (L&T) coordinators, to collaborate in order to better understand the writing needs of their students. This has proved inspirational to many across the sector, as this kind of forum for debate was unusual. In 2006, we became the internationally recognized Writing-PAD Network (http://www.writing-pad.org/wiki) and five years ago, we founded the Journal of Writing in Creative Practice (JWCP) (http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Journal,id=154/) as a showcase and discussion space for members of the growing network. JWCP is co-edited by Julia Lockheart (Senior Lecturer, CELAW) and John Wood (Emeritus Professor in Design at Goldsmiths). *The Network is now self-funding and will announce new initiatives early in 2014. Through her role as Writing-PAD Network director, Julia Lockheart has energetically maintained the international network through the Jiscmail (WRITING-PAD@JISCMAIL.AC.UK), Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Writing-PAD/219826771252?ref=ts), Twitter presence (http://twitter.com/#!/WritingPAD), and run the main Writing-PAD Centre from CELAW. There are now eleven institutions across the world hosting Writing-PAD Centres. Many of them have already guest edited the JWCP to highlight their own writings. As such, Writing Between the Disciplines: A celebration of writing at Goldsmiths, is intended to bring together writing between departments, staff and students across Goldsmiths, but also to promote the uniqueness of writing at Goldsmiths to the international Writing-PAD Network.

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Phase One Partners (after 2003)

Phase Two Partners (from 2005 onwards)__

Phase Three Partners (after 2006)

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Writing-PAD Centres (after 2006)

  • We now have eight official Writing PAD Centres. Each of these Centres have hosted or will be hosting a Writing PAD event which will be followed by their own themed issue(s) of the Journal of Writing in Creative Practice. Please view the Writing PAD Centre pages below and use the contact addresses to get further information about Writing PAD in your country or region:

For England:

Spacer 1x1.png (collaboration between three institutions in the South West:

For Wales:

For Scotland:


Centres outside the UK:

For Ireland:

For Norway:

For Australia:

New Partners

Our network has been self-funding since 2007. This has meant that we have not been constrained to stay within England. We now have both institutions and individuals joining our network. In 2007 we launched the Journal Writing Creative Practice and this Wiki website.

For England:

  • Newcastle University

For Wales:

  • Swansea Metropolitan University
  • University of Wales, Newport - Newport School of Art, Media and Design
  • University of Wales Institute Cardiff

For Scotland:

  • Edinburgh College of Art
  • Robert Gordon University, Grays School of Art and Design


For Ireland:

  • Limerick College of Art

For Norway:

  • KiHO (Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo)

For Iceland

  • Iceland Academy of Arts

For Sweden

  • Linnaeus University

For Australia:

  • Swinburne Design, Swinburne University of Technology

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Contributors to this page: j.lockheart , JohnWood , newcomer and anonymous .
Page last modified on Thursday 21 of May, 2015 14:24:53 BST by j.lockheart.
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