
Return to main research pageA QUESTIONNAIRE-LED APPROACH

Writing your 300 word summaries for RAE 2007-8 !!

  • Before you write your 300 words, you may like to map your motives, aspirations, imperatives, and habits.
  • This may enable you to gain a better perspective on what you want and how to achieve it.
  • This process may subsequently help you to make your activities more 'visible' to the Research Assessment process.

Choosing the four entries !!

Please list your four themes/research entries you wish to have entered for RAE 2007/8. (SUGGESTION: You may wish to choose by ‘quality’ – i.e. your 4 most impressive exhibitions/publications etc. OR - you may prefer to draw out four themes that emerge from your work. This second approach may enable you to cite related, but subsidiary works ‘in passing’. By clustering works in this way you may, therefore be able to indicate both variety and quantity more easily.)

  • 1) THEME 1 + indicative output (such as book/exhibition)
  • 2) THEME 2 + indicative output (such as book/exhibition)
  • 3) THEME 3 + indicative output (such as book/exhibition)
  • 4) THEME 4 + indicative output (such as book/exhibition)

Mapping the drivers !!

Image:research-drivers-wheel-3.jpgFor each of the four entries you are considering (i.e. do this four times)

  • Make a circle that contains relevant drivers/interests (e.g. as above)
  • Write a short narrative for each of the drivers/interests
  • Draw a line to connect each driver/interest to every other driver/interest in the circle
  • For each line, write a short narrative that helps you to see its relevance and its potential
  • Summarise your findings in a brief set of keywords or summary notes.

What is the context behind this particular entry? !!

  • What related question/s does it address?
  • How significant or unusual is your concern/interest/engagement with this issue?

Describe the specific entry itself !!

  • Give some background detail to its provenance or location, etc.
  • Without using superlatives, try to indicate the work’s quality.
  • What features distinguish it from comparable, or previous works? (either by you, or by others).

What general approach, or strategy did you adopt? !!

  • Is there anything remarkable about this approach?
  • Does it reflect particular problems that may not be obvious to non-experts?

You may like to add further evidence of the work’s significance and/or importance !!

  • Were there aspects that might be underestimated or misunderstood?
  • Are you involved in ongoing activities that (will) augment or substantiate this entry?
  • (How) does this entry relate to work by others with the Department/Goldsmiths?


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Contributors to this page: JohnWood .
Page last modified on Tuesday 18 of July, 2006 18:03:41 BST by JohnWood.
(Cached) Glossary