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General Sources of funding !!

AHRC Funding opportunities !!

  • Knowledge Catalyst - Applications Accepted: Any time from Monday 3 July 2006
  • Small Grants in the Creative and Performing Arts Application - Deadline: Any time before Monday 31 July 2006
  • New Dynamics of Ageing - Preparatory Networks Application Deadline: Preparatory Networks: Tuesday 1 August 2006, Programme Grants: Tuesday 14 November 2006. The New Dynamics of Ageing is a ?20 million (appx.) seven year cross-council research programme that aims to develop practical policy and implementation guidance and novel scientific,technological and design responses to help older people enjoy better quality lives. This requires integrating understandings of the changing meanings, representations and experiences of ageing and the key factors shaping them. These include behavioural,biological, clinical, cultural, historical, social, economic and technological elements, and they will be addressed through direct engagement with older people and user organisations. Proposals are invited for Programme Grants and Preparatory Networks.
  • Research Leave Application Deadline: Thursday 14 September 2006
  • Fellowships in the Creative and Performing Arts Application Deadline: Thursday 28 September 2006
  • Research Networks and Workshops Scheme Application Deadline: Any time of the year (there are no deadlines)
  • New Knowledge Transfer Fellowship Scheme launched recently - Applications should be submitted by HEIs before the closing date of Thursday 9 November 2006. The AHRC?s new Knowledge Transfer Fellowship Scheme will support academics, either working as individuals or within a team, to work with a non-academic partner organisation to work on a programme of knowledge transfer. The scheme has been designed to operate very flexibly, supporting full- or part- time fellowships over 4 to 36 months. Fellows may be supported with or without a team. The scheme aims to support researchers delivering a project which will utilise a completed piece of arts or humanities research. This research must be demonstrably of high quality and offer potential to make a difference to the non-academic partner/s and the audiences that they serve. The scheme will not support individuals or teams to conduct research. The submission of applications will be by the Joint Electronic Submission (JES) system - the application form will be accessible on JES from Tuesday 15 August 2006 at https://je-s.rcuk.ac.uk. The funding decisions will be announced in March 2007.
  • Strategic Resource Enhancement Programme - The deadline for submission of proposals is Friday 4 August 2006. The AHRC has undertaken an evaluation of the Resource Enhancement scheme and in light of this has reviewed the mechanisms through which it supports resource enhancement and resource creation projects. The AHRC has decided that it wishes to refocus itssupport for this activity in a manner that is more strategic and that brings the resource enhancement process closer to the process of research. The Strategic Resource Enhancement Programme will seek to identify key resources which, should they be the subject of resource enhancement would not only be more widely used but would, to some degree, have a transformative effect on research undertaken in the Arts and Humanities. The AHRC is inviting submissions to identify significant research resources valuable to a wide range of researchers. In undertaking this consultation we are inviting respondents to identify resources they consider valuable to a wide range of researchers and not simply to submit proposals that they themselves would like to take forward. Read more Relevant Funding Opportunities Outside the AHRC Wellcome Trust ? Free events about wellbeing in the 21st century These events will take place in July 2006 at the Soho Theatre, London. This series of events will explore the impact of happiness, music and medicine on the nation's health, in a foretaste of what's to come once Wellcome Collection opens. These intimate and informal events include short talks, chaired discussions, open-floor debate, live performance and an informal drinks reception.Return to main research page
Contributors to this page: JohnWood .
Page last modified on Tuesday 18 of July, 2006 17:58:55 BST by JohnWood.
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